Annual Registration Fee by Month
- 04 Jun 2024
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Annual Registration Fee by Month
- Updated on 04 Jun 2024
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This article explains how to setup and charge annual registration fees for each family, by the anniversary month in which they registered.
Use this procedure if you charge a family registration fee in the anniversary month of enrollment each year. You’ll use tracking items for the family’s renewal month. Each month you will use Selected Accounts Billing to charge each family their registration fee.
Create & Assign Tracking Items for Month of Registration
- Begin by creating a Global or Local Tracking Item at the Account level for each renewal month of the year. You would probably create a group called Registration Month, or something similar, that has single items for each month, i.e. January, February, etc.
- Click the Tracking icon on the account toolbar and Assign a Tracking Item (renewal month) to each account.
Charge Registration Fee for a Selected Month
- Go to the Functions menu > Family Accounting > Automated Billing Procedures > Selected Accounts.
- Set the post date, choose which ledger card to charge, select a Charge Description (like Annual Registration Fee), the amount, and any comment you’d like to add, such as ‘June Registration’ if desired.
- Click the Select Filter button, then click Account Tracking and choose the month desired, such as June, then click Exit.
- Click Next at the bottom of the screen to see the billing summary screen, select the accounts desired, and post the charges.
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