- 13 Aug 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Setup Wizard
- Updated on 13 Aug 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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The Setup Wizard helps you choose basic settings for your center, such as the names of your locations and classrooms, and choosing a username for yourself.
Getting There
You will arrive at this screen only on an initial installation of Procare.
Using the Wizard
On the Welcome screen, click Next in the bottom right corner.
- The Location Information screen appears. Some reports, such as Customer Statements, use this information to display the school name/address/and contact information.
a. Enter the name of your first school.
b. The School Code will only appear on some internal accounting reports. You may accept the default name.
c. Enter the Tax ID for your school. If you leave it blank, it will not appear on Customer Statements.
d. Click on the Import Logo on the bottom left of the screen if you wish to import a logo . The logo will be printed on your customer statements.
e. Once this screen is completed, you will have two options:
- If you are licensed for just one school, click the Next button.
- If you are licensed for multiple schools, you may click the Add School button to enter information for the next center(s). If the new school has a different Tax ID than the first school, uncheck the Same Tax ID box and enter the Tax ID. Continue to add schools until done, then click Next.
- If you have just one school, jump to step 3. You will not see the screen immediately below.
If you have multiple schools, the License Distribution screen will appear if needed.
a. On the screen above, check the boxes for all the Modules that apply for the school listed. Click the forward arrow to access the screen for the next school. When all schools have had their modules applied, click the Next button. - The Classroom Information screen allows you to add or remove classrooms from the list. If you have multiple schools, you will have additional options for adding a classroom to all schools, or just the school you select in the pull-down menu. When you are done adding classrooms, click the Next button.
- The User Information screen allows you to create unique user name for yourself. By default, you will have complete rights to everything in Procare.
Next steps: Click Save & Exit, and sign into Procare with the username you just created. Again, your first password will be the same as your username but in all lowercase letters.
Note: If you need to make additional changes to any item above, go to System Configuration.
What’s Next?
- You’ll want to learn about Getting Around Procare.
- And begin Entering Families.