Assign Child Schedules
  • 29 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Assign Child Schedules

Article summary

Assign each child a Schedule Template you have previously set up or give them a Custom Schedule then add Exceptions for days that fall outside the norm.

Getting There
Look up a Family and click once on the name of the child to select them.

Assign Schedules to Children

  1. With the child’s name selected click the Schedule icon (monthly calendar) on the child toolbar.


  1. Click New. A blank Child Schedule appears.

  2. Enter Start and End dates for this schedule (top right). A schedule must have an end date. You could set it to the child’s next birthday, the end of the school year, or any other date when they would be likely to advance to the next class.


Note: A child may be assigned more than one schedule, each with its own Start and End dates, although the dates cannot overlap.

  1. Choose a Template or enter a Custom Schedule.
    a. To assign a Schedule Template (or use one as a starting point) select it from Schedule Name list (where it initially says “Custom Schedule”) and make any changes needed for this child. If you make a change, the connection to the original template is lost and the Schedule Name changes back to “Custom Schedule”.

    b. Or create a Custom Schedule from scratch by manually selecting the Classroom Name, Days and In / Out times. A schedule may have multiple In and Out times per day, such as for extended care or before and after school programs.


  • Use the Spacebar (on your keyboard) to quickly enter time like 8 [spacebar] 30 [spacebar] A for 8:30 AM.

  • Use Copy Day to duplicate the schedule for the prior day to the next day. If Copy Day is grayed out just click on the next blank line of the schedule.

  • Use Save as Template to turn a “Custom Schedule” into a reusable template.

  • Hold your mouse over the far left hand side of a line to see the total hours for that line.

  1. When finished click Save > Exit. You’ll return to the Child Schedules screen.


  1. Click New to add additional schedules or dbl-click an existing schedule to make a change. When finished click Exit.


Next: You may also want to add Schedule Exceptions for things like vacations, absences and overrides; and Review the schedule month by month (see below).

Review Schedule

Use the Review button to see or print a child’s schedule. See: Schedule Review


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