Chart of Accounts
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

Chart of Accounts

Article summary

The Chart of Accounts organizes financial information into categories like assets, revenue and expenses. For example your checking account is an asset, tuition charged to a family is revenue and money spent on supplies is an expense.

You’ll begin by setting up your bank accounts (checking, savings, etc.) as Assets in the Chart of Accounts. You’ll then choose which assets are actual bank accounts and to which of those you will deposit funds.

Getting There

From the Procare Home screen go to Configuration > System > Accounting Management > dbl-click Chart of Accounts.

Bank Account Assets

Start by giving your bank account assets the appropriate names.

  1. The Assets tab should already be selected. Click the plus sign (+) next to Current Assets to expand the list.

  2. Account Number 1000.00 is typically used for your main checking account. Change the Account Name to something that makes sense for you, like “First National: Checking”.

  3. Add any other accounts you typically deposit funds to like savings or a money market account, etc.

    1. Click the top (blank) line that says “Click here to add a new Account”. Enter an Account Number and Account Name. Then tap Enter (on your keyboard) a couple of times until a new (blank) line appears.
    2. Continue adding other accounts as needed.
  4. Use the Up & Down arrows to change their order then click Save > Exit.

Go to Bank Accounts, then Deposit Accounts

Next you’ll want to Exit the Chart of Accounts and go to the Bank Accounts and Deposit Accounts sections of System Configuration.

Other Types of Accounts

You may customize each section of the Chart of Accounts including assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses.

Add or Change an Account Group

  1. Select the tab for the category on which you want to work, like Revenue.

  2. Work on an existing Account Group (like Revenue from Services) or create a new one.

    1. To change the name of an existing Account Group simply type over it.
    2. To create a new Account Group click the top (blank) line that says “Click here to add a new Account Group”, type a group name like Fundraiser Revenue and tap Enter on the keyboard.
    3. Continue adding other groups as needed.
    4. Use the Up & Down arrows to change the order of the Account Groups.
  3. Click Save > Exit.

Add or Change an Account Name or Number (within a Group)

  1. Select the tab for the category on which you want to work, like Revenue.

  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the name of an Account Group (like Revenue from Services) to expand the list.

  3. Change existing Account (like 4000.00 Tuition) or create a new one.

    1. To change the name or number of an existing Account simply type over it.
    2. To create a new Account click the top (blank) line that says “Click here to add a new Account”, type an Account Number and Account Name then tap Enter on the keyboard.
    3. Continue adding other accounts as needed.
    4. Use the Up & Down arrows to change the order of the accounts.
  4. Click Save > Exit.

Move an Account from One Group to Another

  1. Select the tab for the category on which you want to work, like Revenue.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the name of an Account Group (like Revenue from Services) to expand the list.
  3. Click once on the account you wish to move (to select it).
  4. Click the Move button. Choose that Account Group to which you wish to move the account and click Select.
  5. Use the Up & Down arrows to change the order of the accounts.
  6. Click Save > Exit.

To print your Chart of Accounts click the Print button (bottom of screen). This will display a print preview. Click the Printer icon (top left) to print the report.

Note: In older versions the button says Review (instead of print).


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