Contract Billing Cycles
  • 16 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Contract Billing Cycles

Article summary

Billing Cycles (also known as Contract Cycles), such as “weekly” and “monthly” are used for recurring fees charged to families or agencies. Use Billing Cycles if you charge a flat fee regardless of the number of hours a child actually attends.

Getting There

From the Procare Home screen go to Configuration > System > Accounting Management > Family Accounting > dbl-click Billing Cycles.


Set up Billing Cycles

  1. Click the top (blank) line to add a new cycle. Enter a Description and Comment (optional) then tap Enter (on your keyboard) a couple of times until a new (blank) line appears.


  1. Continue adding other cycles as needed.
  2. Use the Up & Down arrows to change the order if needed and then click Save > Exit.
    Note: Billing Cycles are then assigned to the Billing Box of each child along with the rate for that child. You may also assign Standard Rates to each of your Charge & Credit Descriptions.

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