Contract Billing Summary
  • 16 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Contract Billing Summary

Article summary

If you’re using Contract Billing, the Account Contract Billing Summary will display totals for each billing cycle, including all children for the selected account.

Getting There

Look Up a family account and click the* Contract Billing Summary* icon (money bag) on the account toolbar.

Contract Billing Summary

  1. At the Account Contract Billing Summary screen select a date. Only children in this family whose Enrollment Status is “Enrolled” and have Billing Box entries as of that date will be included.
    Note: The Billing Box may have entries for Standard Billing (all Schedules) and/or for a specific scheduled period that includes the “as of” date.

  2. Click the plus sign (+) to expand an item for more detail (like the Weekly cycle or the Payer’s name) or the minus sign (-) to hide the detail.

  3. You may Print the totals or just Exit.
    Hint: To get a list of contract billing summaries for all families with enrolled children go to Reports > Standard Reports > Family Accounting > Billing Box and choose an appropriate report.

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