- 16 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Contract Billing Summary
- Updated on 16 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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If you’re using Contract Billing, the Account Contract Billing Summary will display totals for each billing cycle, including all children for the selected account.
Getting There
Look Up a family account and click the* Contract Billing Summary* icon (money bag) on the account toolbar.
Contract Billing Summary
At the Account Contract Billing Summary screen select a date. Only children in this family whose Enrollment Status is “Enrolled” and have Billing Box entries as of that date will be included.
Note: The Billing Box may have entries for Standard Billing (all Schedules) and/or for a specific scheduled period that includes the “as of” date.Click the plus sign (+) to expand an item for more detail (like the Weekly cycle or the Payer’s name) or the minus sign (-) to hide the detail.
You may Print the totals or just Exit.
Hint: To get a list of contract billing summaries for all families with enrolled children go to Reports > Standard Reports > Family Accounting > Billing Box and choose an appropriate report.