Daily Meal Tracker: Batch Count
  • 24 Oct 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Daily Meal Tracker: Batch Count

Article summary

The Daily Meal Tracker lets you manage meal counts for enrolled children at once. You may also choose to view or change meals for a single child on their Child Meal Tracker screen.

Before You Begin

  1. Set up Classroom Meal Times (required for automated meal counts).
  2. Make sure Food Program Age Groups are set up correctly under the Family Data section of Region / School Options.
  3. The date of birth for each child should be entered on their Person Information screen, so they may be counted in the appropriate age group.
  4. A child must have an Enrollment Status of “Enrolled” as of the date selected on the Daily Meal Tracker screen.
  5. The child’s Food Status is different. It may say “Not Enrolled” which means they have not been assigned a status like Free, Reduced or Paid on their Information & Relationships screen.

Getting There

At the main screen of Family Data & Accounting click Functions > Meal Tracking > Daily Meal Tracker.

Batch Count Meals

Important! It is your responsibility to make sure meal counts you submit for reimbursement include only those children who were served. Automated meal counts are a great starting point, but you will need to make manual adjustments. For example, a child may be scheduled during the morning snack, but that does not necessarily mean they were actually there AND were served that meal.

Hint: You may print a Meal Rollcall Sheet to manually record the actual meals served. See: Meal Tracker Reports

Automated Counts:
Meal counts may be based on schedules or attendance:

  1. Click the Schedule button (lower left) to count meals based on each Child’s Schedule. Choose the dates and click Process Schedule.

image then image

  1. Or, click the Attend button (lower left) to count meals based on each Child’s Time Card (requires Attendance Tracker). Choose the dates and click Process Attend.

image then image

Manual Adjustments:

  1. Select a day from the drop down calendar or use the left / right Arrow buttons to move one day at a time.

  2. Check the box next to a meal for a given child to count the meal. To remove a meal just uncheck the box.

  3. Or, check the Apply to All box at the top of meal column (like “BR” for breakfast) to count a meal for all children on that day. You may then remove check marks from children who were not served that meal.


  1. Hint: You may also do the reverse, that is, uncheck the Apply to All box to remove a meal from all children on that day.
  2. Click Save > Exit.

Sort and Filter

You may Sort & Filter the list of children by clicking the column headings at the top like last name, age group, primary classroom.

Background Colors

  • A white background indicates a normal day when the center is open.


  • A green background is used for days this location is usually closed (such as weekends) according to the Hours of Operation you have set under the General section of Region / School Options.


  • A blue background indicates a special day this location is closed (such as a holiday) based on your School Close Dates.


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