Deposit Correction – Unlock Ledger Card
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Deposit Correction – Unlock Ledger Card

Article summary

If a payment was incorrectly posted to a Family Ledger Card and the Deposit Report which included that payment was closed you’ll notice a lock icon on the Ledger Card indicating this item cannot be voided or changed. This article describes how to remove the lock and make a correction.

Make a Change to a Locked Payment

A lock next to a payment on a Family Ledger Card indicates that payment is part of a closed Deposit Report. A deposit may be re-opened as long as it has not yet been reconciled in the Expenses & Ledger modules.

Note: If the payment was made through Tuition Express no change may be made, however a Credit Card Refund may be issued.

Step by Step

To change a locked payment item:

  1. Open the Deposit Report and remove the item(s) you want to change.

    1. From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting go to Functions > Family Accounting > Deposit Reports.
    2. At the Deposit Reports screen dbl-click the deposit you wish to re-open.
    3. Remove the item(s) you wish to void or change from the deposit. Click the plus sign (+) next to a category like Pmt by Check and remove the check mark from the individual payment item(s).
    4. Under Deposit Accounts (bottom section) change the Amount box to reflect the item(s) you have removed. If you removed an item for 100.00 the amount of the deposit would be decreased by 100.00.
      Hint: The amount of the payments being deposited (the upper amount box) must match the amount going into the bank account (lower amount box). Each box will turn “green” when the amounts match.
      Note: If there is a lock next to the Deposit Account (like My Checking Account) this deposit has already been reconciled in the Expenses & Ledger modules and may not be changed.
    5. Click Close Report.
  2. Go to the Account Ledger and change or void the item as needed. If you voided the item then repost it correctly.

    1. Look Up the account and click the Ledger Card icon on the account toolbar.

    2. There should no longer be a lock next to the payment. Void the Payment and re-enter it as needed or you may be able to make a change to the original payment based on your User Group permissions.

    3. Click Post & Exit.

  3. Open the Deposit Report once again. Add the corrected entry to the deposit and re-close it.

    1. From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting, go to Functions > Family Accounting > Deposit Reports.
    2. At the Deposit Reports screen dbl-click the deposit you wish to re-open.
    3. Click the Show All button (lower left), so the corrected entry is available, and add it to the report.


4. Hint: Click the plus sign (+) next to a category like “Pmt by Check” and mark the item(s) you wish to add.
5. Under Deposit Accounts (bottom section) enter the correct amount of the deposit.
6. Click Close Report.


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