Deposit Reports
  • 24 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Deposit Reports

Article summary

The Deposit Report feature is used and manage your bank deposits by recording the payments received in each deposit.

Before You Begin

To use the Deposit Report feature you must have configured Deposit Accounts and posted at least some payments on individual or by using Ledger Cards or by using Quick Ledger Posting.

Tuition Express Deposits

Recurring Payments & Online Payments
Recurring Tuition Express payments are automatically closed in their own separate Deposit Reports, one for ACH transactions and another for Credit Cards. The same is true for parent initiated online payments. You may view or print them, however no changes may be made.

Point of Sale Payments
Point of Sale (POS) payments, however, should be manually closed in their own separate POS Deposit Report.

Getting There

At the main screen of Family Data & Accounting click Functions > Family Accounting > Deposit Report.

Manage Your Current Deposit Report

  1. At the Deposit Reports screen under the Current Deposit Report section (lower left) you may:

    1. Click the View button to manage items waiting to be deposited (continue with step 2 below).

    2. Click the Report button to print a list of items waiting to be deposited.

  2. After clicking View, each category of Items for Deposit will be displayed like “Pmt by Check”, “Pmt by Cash”, etc.

    1. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the list showing detail of a category like “Pmt by Check”.

    2. Place a check mark next to each item that will be included in your deposit, then repeat for other categories like “Pmt by Cash”.
      Note 1: The upper total box (shown in red at this point) should equal the amount of your deposit.
      Note 2: Your First Deposit – If you entered year to date payments, as part of the Beginning Balances for each family, your first Deposit Report should include only those payments.
      Note 3: Cash and checks sitting in your cash drawer (which have not yet been deposited) are part of your “Undeposited Payments” asset account. Once you close the deposit those funds are moved to your Bank Account asset like “My Checking Account”.

  3. Under Deposit Accounts select the Bank Account(s) to which these funds will be deposited and enter the Amount to be deposited to each.
    Note: The upper and lower total boxes should now match each other and appear in green.

  4. Choose a Post Date. This should be the date the deposit is made at the bank.

  5. Enter a Comment if needed (optional).

  6. Click Close Report.

View, Change, Print a Previous Deposit Report

At the Deposit Reports screen a list of recent deposits will be displayed.

  1. To print a closed deposit click once on the deposit to select it, then under the Closed Deposit Report section (at the bottom) click the Report button.

Please Note: Use the Receipt Button to attach a bank receipt (in .pdf format) to a deposit report.

  1. To view or change a report:
    1. Dbl-click the line with the report you wish to view (or change).

    2. You’ll see all items that were part of that deposit. If the Amount is unlocked you may make changes as needed then click Close Report to save your changes.
      Please Note: Use the Show All button (bottom left) to see other categorie

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