Employee Data Reports
  • 06 Dec 2023
  • 8 Minutes to read

Employee Data Reports

Article summary

This article contains a brief description of the various types of reports available for Procare Employee Data.

Using Reports

Employee Data Reports work the same as Family Data Reports. See Family Data Reports for the basics. Below is a brief description of each employee report.

Currently Checked In

Employees Currently Checked In Detail
List of employees currently checked in showing total hours/minutes. Sorted by Employee’s Name. The Work Area column displays the Work Area where the Employee is currently checked in, which may not match the Employee’s Primary Work Area.

Employee Benefit

Employee Benefit Summary by Benefit Type
Summary of Employee’s Benefit hours with starting balance, amount used and earned for the period, and ending balance, sorted by benefit.

Employee Benefit Summary by Employee
Summary of Employee’s Benefit hours with starting balance, amount used and earned for the period, and ending balance, sorted by employee.

Employee Benefit Detail
Detail of employee’s benefit hours with starting balance, amount earned and used (for the specified period), and ending balance.

Employee Benefit Detail (Earned)
Summary of (Earned) Benefit hours by Employee with Comment.

Employee Benefit Detail (Planned)
Summary of (Planned) Benefit hours by Employee with Comment.

Employee Benefit Detail (Used)
Summary of (Used) Benefit hours by Employee with Comment.

Employee Information

Information Sheet
Displays everyone associated with the employee including addresses, email and phone numbers.

Information Sheet (2 Addresses)
Displays everyone associated with the employee including address (both 1st and 2nd), email and phone.

Information Sheet (Landscape)
Displays a photo of everyone associated with each employee including address (both 1st and 2nd), email and phone.

Information Sheet w/Photo
Displays a photo of everyone associated with each employee including address, email and phone.

Information Sheet w/Photo (2 Addresses)
Displays a photo of everyone associated with each employee including address (both 1st and 2nd), email and phone.

Information Sheet w/Photo (Landscape)
Displays a photo of everyone associated with each employee including address (both 1st and 2nd), email and phone, in a landscape orientation.

Employee Schedules

Employee Schedule Summary Graph (12 hr)
Displays employee schedules for each Work Area for the specified dates. Sorted by start time and employee name.

Employee Schedule Summary Graph (24 hr)
Displays employee schedules for each Work Area for the specified dates. Sorted by start time and employee name.

Employee Schedule Summary by Work Area
Displays employee schedules for each Work Area for the specified dates. Sorted by start time and employee name.

Employee’s Schedule
Displays employee schedules for the specified dates including: Department, Work Area, scheduled times and total hours. Sorted by employee name.

Estimated Hourly Gross Pay
Displays employees estimated hourly gross pay based on their schedule for the specified dates including: Department, Work Area, Pay Code and total hours.

Employee 5 Day Schedule
Displays a 5-day employee schedule for the specified dates, sorted by employee name.

Employment Status

Change of Employee Status
Provides a count of the employees whose status changed during the specified date range. Dbl-click a Status to get details including the name, gender date of birth and age.

Employment Status Summary
Provides a count of employees in each status as of a specific date. Dbl-click a Status to get more details including name, gender, date of birth and age.

Employment Status Summary by Work Area
Provides a count of the number of employees assigned to each Work Area as of a specific date. Dbl-click a Work Area to get details including name, gender, date of birth and age.

Employee Work History
Displays each employee’s on-going work history including the length of time at each employment status. This may be used as a length of employment report.

Employee Work History List
Displays each employee’s current employment status with the length of time at that status. This may be used as a length of employment report.

Filtered Reports

Address and Contact Information Summary
Summary report displaying all selected employees including address, email, and phone numbers.

Address and Contact Information Summary w/ Photo
Summary report displaying all selected employees including address, email, and phone numbers, along with their photo.

Birthday – Age Summary
Displays each employee’s name, Primary Work Area, gender, data of birth and age as of the specified date.

Email & Phone Number Summary
Summary report displaying all selected Employees including Email and Phone Numbers.

Email Address
List of Employees with Primary Work Area and Email Address – sorted by Last Name.

Name badge (2 x 3 1/2), Photo, Employee Information
Prints a photo name badge with primary classroom for each employee. Used with Avery Label 5871.

Roster of employees and work areas – sorted by Employee Name.

Employee Pay Rate Summary
List of employees with their current pay rate.

Log Sheet Information
Summary of employee log sheets including: original entry date/time, identifier of comment author, log type and log comment.

Immunization Summary

Immunization / Requirement Due Report
Display which immunizations / requirements are coming due or are currently due for each employee.

Immunization / Requirement History
Display the immunization / requirements history for each employee.

Immunization Due Report
Displays which immunizations are coming due (or are currently due) for each employee.

Requirements Due Report
Displays which immunizations are coming due (or are currently due) for each employee.


Displays a list of employees who are currently Registered and the last time they checked in or out.

Temporary registration
Displays a list of employees who have been assigned a Temporary Registration number. To use the Temporary Registration number they must register with the check in/out system before the expiration date and time.

Sign In/Out Sheets

Daily Sign In/Out – 2
Daily Sign In/Out Sheet with two in/out slots per day. Use the Filter to include specific employees.

Daily Sign In/Out – 4
Daily Sign In/Out Sheet with four in/out slots per day. Use the Filter to include specific employees.

Weekly Sign In/Out (Mon – Fri)
5 Day Sign In/Out Sheet with two in/out slots per day. Use the Filter to select specific employees.

Weekly Sign In/Out by Employee
7 Day Sign In/Out Sheet. One page for each employee. Use the Filter to select specific employees.

Weekly Sign In/Out (7 Days)
7 Day Sign In/Out Sheet with two in/out slots per day. Use the Filter to select specific employees.

Time Card

Department w/Actual and Rounded Times
Display an Employee’s Time Card using Pay Code and Department with actual and rounded In / Out Times. At the bottom of the report is a verification statement for the employee to sign.

Department w/Rounded Times
Display an Employee’s Time Card using Pay Code and Department with rounded In / Out Times. At the bottom of the report is a verification statement for the employee to sign.

Work Area w/Actual and Rounded Times
Display an Employee’s Time Card using Pay Code and Work Area with actual and rounded In / Out Times. At the bottom of the report is a verification statement for the employee to sign.

Work Area w/Rounded Times
Display an Employee’s Time Card using Pay Code and Work Area with rounded In / Out Times. At the bottom of the report is a verification statement for the employee to sign.

Time Card Summary

Daily Attendance Summary (12 Hours)
Summary of daily attendance for each employee from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Daily Attendance Summary (24 Hours)
Summary of Daily Attendance for each employee from midnight to midnight.

Employee Time Card Summary
Displays a summary for each employee for the period selected.

Employee Time Card Summary Detail
Displays a summary for the period with drill down detail for each employee.

Employee Time Card with Drill Down
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Department.

Time Card Summary by Department
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Department.

Time Card Summary by Department (w/Pay Info)
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Department. Includes pay information.

Time Card Summary by Pay Code
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Pay Code.

Time Card Summary by Pay Code (w/Pay Info)
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Pay Code. Includes pay information.

Time Card Summary by Work Area
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Work Area.

Time Card Summary by Work Area (w/Pay Info)
Displays a summary for the period sorted by Work Area. Includes pay information.

Time Card Summary by Employee
Displays a summary for the period sorted by employee, including the work department and pay code.

Time Card Summary by Employee (w/Pay Info)
Displays a summary for the period sorted by employee, including the work department and pay code. Includes pay information.


Categories, Items, Employees
List of employees assigned to the selected Tracking Categories. Includes name, primary work area, and email. Sorted by Tracking Category.

Photo, Categories, Items
Displays a small photo with employee’s name, primary work area, and email sorted by the selected Tracking Categories.

User Defined

By Employee’s Name
Displays a list of employees with the contents of each User Defined Field sorted by employee’s name. Use when you want to see each employee with the fields for that employee shown below.

By Field Name
Displays a list of Employees with the contents of each User Defined Field sorted by the selected fields. Use when you want to see each field with the employee names below.

By Field Name Order by Field Value
Displays a list of Employees with the contents of each User Defined Field sorted by the selected fields. Use when you want to see each field with the employee names below.

Specific or Individual Reports

Occasionally you might like to print a report for just one employee. You may print a single person’s report from the following locations. Click the drop down arrow next to the Report button to choose from various formats.

  1. Information Sheet: Go to the Employee’s Information and Relationships button (3 people icon), Report button.

  2. Timecard: Go to the Employee’s Timecard, Report button.

  3. Employee Immunizations & Requirements: Go to the Employee’s Immunization button, Report button.

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