- 19 Sep 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Family Discount – Billing Formula
- Updated on 19 Sep 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Learn how to set up family discounts in the Child Billing Box for use with Billing Formulas. If you are using Contract Billing see the article for Family Discounts & Contract Billing.
Since Billing Formulas may be set up in a vast number of ways there is no one size fits all answer for assigning a family discount, however the basic concept outlined here may be used. In most cases you’ll want to Contact Technical Support to determine the best way to set up billing formulas (and discounts) for your situation.
Getting There
Click once on the name of the child who will receive the discount.
With the child’s name selected click the Billing Box icon (money bag) on the child tool bar.
Set up a Charge, then Family Discount
The most common approach involves charging a family the full rate for a child, then showing a credit back for the family discount. This involves two lines, which in concept is the same as Discounts using Contract Billing, however you cannot simply enter a percentage in the Comment field since the original charge is determined by a formula rather than a fixed, known amount.
On the tab for “Billing Formulas” click New Formula. Be sure to select a charge description like “Tuition Preschool” and the appropriate Formula Name (like “Hourly (Attendance)”). There may be a variable for the rate (Value field). Many times the formula will have a default rate used if nothing is entered for the value. To override the default enter a value like $4.50 for an hourly rate. This should be the full amount to charge the child as if they were not receiving a discount.
Click Save > Exit. The new line will appear in blue indicating it is a charge to the family.
Add a New Formula line using a credit description like “Family Discount”. In most cases you’ll use the SAME Formula Name used in step #1. Enter the discount as a dollar amount in the Value field. For example if the standard rate were 4.50 and you wanted to give a 10% discount enter 0.45 (45 cents).
4.Click Save > Exit. The new line will appear in yellow indicating it is a credit to the family.
Note: The Comment is optional. Although you could enter a comment for the discount like “10% Older Child” it will be seen as text only and has no impact on the amount calculated by the formula.
- Click Save > Exit.