- 19 Dec 2023
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Family Discount – Contract Cycle
- Updated on 19 Dec 2023
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Learn how to set up family discounts in the Child Billing Box for use with Automated Contract Billing or Drop In Contract Billing. If you are using Formula Billing see the article for Family Discounts & Formula Billing.
Getting There
- Look up a Family.
- Click once on the name of the child who will receive the discount.
- With the child’s name selected click the Billing Box icon (money bag) on the child tool bar.
Set up a Charge, then Family Discount
On the tab for “Contract” billing select a charge description like “Tuition Preschool” and enter the full amount to charge this child as if they were not receiving a discount. Then tap Enter (on your keyboard) or click Save. The line just entered should move to the bottom of the list. The new line will appear in blue indicating it is a charge to the family.
Add a new line using a credit description like “Family Discount”. Enter the percentage of the discount as the Comment, for example “10% older child” (without quotes). The first few characters must be a number followed by a percentage symbol.
Leave the amount blank (zero). Then tap Enter (on your keyboard) or click Save. The line just entered should move to the bottom of the list, just below the amount to charge. The new line will appear in yellow indicating it is a credit to the family.
Note 1: If your discount is a fixed dollar amount instead of a percentage, then leave the Comment field blank (or type something other than a percentage) and enter the amount of the discount in the Amount field.
The discount (yellow line) must be below the item you wish to discount (blue line). Multiple discounts are allowed – however they will all be based on the charge line above the discounts, not the declining balance.
Note 2: When you run Automated Contract Billing (or Drop In Contract Billing) the discount will be calculated for you. For example if the charge amount were 250.00 and the discount were 10% the discount would be 25.00.
Click Save > Exit.
Hint: You may wish to use the Contract Billing Summary to review the totals for all children in this family.