Mini Procare 60 Family Limit
  • 13 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Mini Procare 60 Family Limit

Article summary

Learn how the 60 family account limit is determined for Mini Procare and see how many families you have now.

Mini Procare – Background

The Mini version of Procare has always had a limit of 60 total family accounts at one time. Beginning with version 10.2.4295 the way in which that limit is determined changed, making it considerably more flexible and better suited to the needs of smaller child care centers and home based care providers .

What Families Count Toward the Limit of 60?

There are two methods for determining if a family counts toward the limit:

Method ‘A’ – Family Data ONLY
If you are using Family Data ONLY, without Family Accounting (see note), every family counts toward your limit of 60. This includes all family accounts, even those that do not have any enrolled children. For example the family may be “Hidden” or have children with an enrollment status of “Wait List”, “Pre-Registered” or “Withdrawn”, etc. but those families still count toward the limit.

Note: You may not have the Family Accounting module at all, or you have it but are not using it (meaning there are no items posted to the Ledger Card of any family).

Method ‘B’ – Family Data AND Accounting
When using both Family Data AND Family Accounting (or Agency Accounting) the only families that count toward the limit of 60 are those with recent charges (like tuition, activity fees, registration, late pick up, etc.) on their Ledger Card, or their Agency Ledger. A recent charge is considered to be one posted within the past 45 days. After 45 days the family no longer counts toward the limit since it is presumed they are no longer actively attending the center.

How Close am I to the Limit?

Family Data ONLY
If you are using Family Data ONLY use the Select Filter to get a quick count.

  1. Click the Filter icon (funnel).
    Image showing directions in article

  2. Choose filter by “Account” while viewing “All Accounts”.
    Image showing directions in article

  3. Click Count.

Image showing directions in article

Family Data AND Accounting

When using both Family Data AND Family Accounting (or Agency Accounting) you’ll need to run a report to see a list of those accounts with ledger activity in the past 45 days.

  1. From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting go to Reports > Standard Reports > Family Accounting > Account Activity.
  2. Choose *Accounts with Activity (past 45 days).
    Image showing directions in article

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