MyProcare FAQs
  • 13 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

MyProcare FAQs

Article summary

Q: What is the maximum length of a question?
A: 150 characters (for both tracking and UDFs, when using the “tooltip” for the question).

Q: What is the maximum length of an answer a parent can type in a UDF text field?
A: 255 characters.

Q: Can hidden accounts still access MyProcare?
A: Yes. They may need to print end-of-year tax summaries, look up information, etc.

Q: If I (center) really wants to block a parent’s access, what do I do?
A: The center will need to delete the parent’s email address. Of course if you delete their email you (center) won’t be able to email them either.

Q: Can a parent get their confirmation code resent?
A: If parent doesn’t receive their confirmation code, it likely went to their spam folder. That code remains in effect for 24 hours. After 24 hours, a parent may use the same email address to attempt to log in again and a new confirmation code will be sent.

Q: How long does a parent have to complete an online registration?
A: After 30 minutes, the screen will time out. Each section they completed up to that point will be saved, such as Account Information or Child Information, and they may log in again to complete their registration.

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