Standard Billing Formulas
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Standard Billing Formulas

Article summary

This article lists the Standard Billing Formulas included with Procare for common child attendance or schedule billing scenarios.


Standard Billing Formulas included with Procare can generate charges for child times based on the child’s Attendance, Schedule (including schedule exceptions), Overtime (any time outside a child’s scheduled hours), and Extra hours (hour totals that exceed scheduled hour totals). If your billing scenario is more complex, you may need to contact Technical Support for a quote on a custom billing formula to fit your situation.

Getting There

You can review each of these formulas by going to Procare Home > Configuration > System > Accounting Management > Family Accounting > Billing Formulas.

Standard Billing Formulas

Formula NameDescription
After Hours PickupCharges by the minute for attended time after the specified end-of-day time.
Hourly (Attendance)Hourly rate for each day in the date range based on child attendance
Hourly (Schedule)Hourly rate for each day in the date range based on child schedule including exceptions
Hourly (Overtime)Hourly rate that charges for child attendance time that is outside of the child’s scheduled time, including schedule exceptions.
Hourly (Extra Hours)Hourly rate for more hours attended than scheduled any day in the date range.
Half/Full (Attendance)Picks one of two Daily rates, half or full, over or under the half-day number of hours. For example under 5 hours is half-day, over 5 hours is full-day.
Half-Full (Schedule)Same as above but uses the child’s schedule, including exceptions.
Half/Full (Extra Charge)Compares Scheduled time including exceptions to actual Attended time and charges for extra half or full days not scheduled.
Before/After (Attendance)Can charge up to seven different daily rates for combinations for attended time in the morning only, afternoon only, mid-day only, mid-day & afternoon, morning & mid-day, morning & afternoon only or all day. Good for snow days, in service, etc.
Before/After (Schedule)Same as above but uses the child’s schedule instead of attended time.
Before/After (Extra Charge)Same as above but charges for extra time attended but not scheduled, for example, extra mid-day hours, etc.
Agency w/Monthly Absent DaysCharges a daily rate and includes a specified number of allowed absent days.
Agency Not Allowed Absent DaysCharges a daily rate that can be charged to the family for agency disallowed absent days.

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