Print Sign-In/Out Sheet
- 06 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Print Sign-In/Out Sheet
- Updated on 06 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
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Print a blank sign-in/out sheet for times when a computer or tablet is not available.
There are several scenarios in which this report can be utilized.
- Take attendance outside during a fire drill
- Print and take this report off-site on a field trip
- Use this sign-in/out sheet during a power outage
Follow the steps below to print the Sign-In/Out Sheet
Navigate to the Student Sign-In > Attendance screen.
Click the More Actions icon in the top right corner, then select Print Sign-In Sheet.
Choose Daily or Weekly, then select the date/date range you wish to print the sheet for and click Submit.
The blank sign-in sheet will display in PDF form. The following information can be found on this report:
- School name, address, and phone number
- Classroom name and date (each class will be on a separate sheet)
- Students in each class will be listed alphabetically by first name
- Blank fields for Sign-In and Sign-Out Times
- Parent signature fields for sign-in and sign-out
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