Account Assignments
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Account Assignments

Article summary

The Account Assignments screen is the place to indicate the account numbers you wish to have used for your Accounts Receivable (asset) and Profit & Loss (equity) accounts.

Before You Begin

Confirm that your Chart of Accounts has appropriate account numbers for the following items:

  • An asset account for accounts receivable (like 1110.00 Accounts Receivable)
  • An equity account for profit and loss (like 3010.00 Profit & Loss)
    If you do accrual basis accounting you’ll also need these items:
  • A liability account for accounts payable (like 2000.00 Accounts Payable)
  • A liability account for payroll payable (like 2002.00 Payroll Payable)

Getting There

From the Procare Home screen go to Configuration > System > Accounting Management > dbl-click Account Assignments.

Image showing directions in article

Assigning Accounts

At the Account Assignments screen:

  1. Select an asset account for Accounts Receivable.
    Note: Accounts Receivable is the money owed to you. It is the difference between what you charge and the amount received in payments. The account number assigned here will be included on the Receivable Journal Summary report (part of Family Accounting Reports).

Image showing directions in article

  1. Select an equity account for Profit & Loss.
    Note: Profit and loss is the difference between revenue (what you charge) and any expenses you incur (what you pay out). The account number assigned here will be included on journal reports in the Expenses & Ledger module.

  2. If you do accrual accounting, choose liability accounts for Accounts Payable and Payroll Payable. If you do cash accounting you may skip this step.
    Note: Accounts Payable is the money owed to your vendors, such as any outstanding bills or invoices that have been recorded, but not yet paid. Payroll Payable is money owed to your employees, such as payroll checks you have recorded, but not yet handed out.

  3. Click Save > Exit.

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