Email Statements
  • 02 Dec 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

Email Statements

Article summary

Learn how to email statements to family accounts directly through Procare.

Before You Begin

Before you send email through Procare you must Set Up Email Options.

Getting There / Select Families

  1. Optional: Use the Select Filter to include only families to whom you wish to email a statement, such as those whose Account Balance is over a certain amount. You’ll be able to choose individual families from the filtered list before sending the emails.
    Please Note: Your email provider may limit the number of emails and attachments you can send at once or per day, etc. Use the Select Filter to break your emails into smaller groups, such as a few classrooms at a time.

  2. From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting click Functions > Family Accounting > Email Account Statements.


Using the Email Statements Feature

Statements are sent as .PDF attachments following these steps:

  1. At the Email Account Statements screen select a Date Range for the report, such as “This Month”.

  2. Choose the type of report you want to send from the “Choose Report” list (upper right). In most cases you’ll want to use the “Standard Customer Statement” .
    Year End Tax Summary! For end-of-year purposes choose a summary report like the “Charge/Credit Summary w/o Balance”. See also: End-of-Year Questions
    Hint: To get an idea what each report looks like (without actually sending one) go to the “Account Statement” section of Family Accounting Reports.

  3. Optional: Check the box to “Only include accounts that have ledger activity in the specified date range” if you do not want to send statements to families with nothing recorded on their ledger card during your selected dates.

  4. In the Customer Statement Message box (upper message box) type a message to appear directly on the statement, for example: “Contact our Billing Office with questions at 123-4567” or “Please pay by the 5th of each month to avoid any late payment fees.”.

  5. Enter a Subject line for the email. By default the name of the report will be used, but you may want a more specific subject, like “Your Statement from ABC Childcare”.

Note: If you are a Tuition Express and Cloud customer, you can include a link to your MyProcare website for parents to make an online payment, if they wish. See Below

  1. In the Email Message box (lower message box) type a message to appear in the body of the email, for example: “Attached please find a copy of your account statement from ABC Childcare”.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Select the Primary and Secondary Payers (usually mom and dad) to whom you wish to send this email. Check the box at the top of the column to select everyone in that column

Note: Names shown in pink/red either do not have an email address at all or the address is not in a valid format. These people cannot be selected.


  1. Optional: Check the “Record in customer log” box (lower left) to have a record of sending this email entered on the Log Sheet of each account.

Note: The contents of the email is not recorded in the log, just the fact that the email was sent.

  1. Click Send

Note: If you’re using Outlook you may get a message saying that a program is trying to send email on your behalf. Be sure to answer Yes. Sent mail will then appear in your Outlook “Sent Items” folder.

If You Are a Cloud and Tuition Express Customer

Watch this short video to see how you can attach your MyProcare website link for parents to access their account online and make a payment.

Outlook Asks to Send Over & Over

You may find that Outlooks asks repeatedly for permission to send each individual email. This is a function of Outlook and is not controlled by Procare. However, you may choose to install a third party utility. See article Advanced Settings for Outlook.

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