Family Accounting and Agency Reports
  • 24 Oct 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read

Family Accounting and Agency Reports

Article summary

This article contains a brief description of the various types of reports available for Family Accounting and Agency Accounting.

Using Reports

Family Accounting Reports and Agency Accounting Reports work the same as Family Data Reports.

Note: Reports for individual family accounts may be printed from the Report button on the Account Ledger.

Accounting Report Categories

There are a variety of report categories such as Account Activity, Account Aging, Billing Box, etc. The most commonly used reports are:

  • For Families – Under the Account Statement category the Customer Statement report is typically given to each family at the end of a week or month while the Account Charge / Credit Summary is often used as their end of year summary for tax purposes.
  • For Your Child Care Business – The Account Balance Summary reports are used to track how much is owed by each family and/or agency while the Total Charge / Credit Summary reports give you revenue totals by category such as “Tuition – Infants”.

Note: If you have multiple locations (hosted in a single database) you may print certain types of combined or “corporate” reports that include information from all locations. See: Corporate Reports.

Account Activity

The report section with “tracking” in the title (Account Activity w/ Tracking) is the same as below except you may include only families assigned to the tracking categories of your choice.

Primary Accounts Only
Shows starting & ending balances along with subtotals for Tuition, Other Charges, Credits & Payments. Includes Primary Payers on all accounts, even those whose who are hidden or did not have any activity during the specified dates.

Primary Accounts Only (Ending Bal > 0)
Shows starting & ending balances along with subtotals for Tuition, Other Charges, Credits & Payments. Includes only Primary Payers whose ending balance is greater than 0.

Primary Accounts Only (w/ Activity)
Shows starting & ending balances along with subtotals for Tuition, Other Charges, Credits & Payments. Includes Primary Payers on all accounts who did have activity during the specified dates.

Accounts with Activity (past 45 days)
Shows all accounts that have had charges posted to their Ledger in the past 45 days.

Account Aging

The report section with “tracking” in the title (Account Aging w/ Tracking) is the same as below except you may include only families assigned to the tracking categories of your choice.

Primary Accounts @ 7 Day Aging
Shows all accounts with a balance due (or credit balance) with the amount aged in 7 day increments, including the current period (0-6 days), 7, 14, 21 and 28+ days.

Primary Accounts @ 14 Day Aging
Shows all accounts with a balance due (or credit balance) with the amount aged in 14 day increments, including the current period (0-13 days), 14, 28, 42 and 56+ days.

Primary Accounts @ 28 Day Aging
Shows all accounts with a balance due (or credit balance) with the amount aged in 28 day increments, including the current period (0-27 days), 28, 56, 84 and 112+ days.

Primary Accounts @ 30 Day Aging
Shows all accounts with a balance due (or credit balance) with the amount aged in 30 day increments, including the current period (0-29 days), 30, 60, 90 and 120+ days.

Account Balance Summary

The report section with “tracking” in the title (Account Balance Summary w/ Tracking) is the same as below except you may include only families assigned to the tracking categories of your choice.

Primary Accounts Only
Lists all accounts with a balance due (or credit balance) as of the specified date.

Account Statement

There are basically four reports with different formatting and options.

Standard Customer Statement
For distribution to families. Shows detail of each charge, credit and payment during the specified dates including a beginning and ending balance. Good for use as a weekly or monthly statement.

Standard Customer Statement (Envelope)
For distribution to families. Formatted for windowed envelopes. Shows detail of each charge, credit and payment during the specified dates including a beginning and ending balance. Good for use as a weekly or monthly statement.

Charge/Credit Summary (w/ Balance)
For distribution to families. Shows totals for charges, credits and payments during the specified dates with beginning and ending balances.

Charge/Credit Summary (w/o Balance)
For distribution to families. Shows totals for charges, credits and payments during the specified dates without beginning or ending balances. Good for use as an end of year tax summary.

Customer Payment Summary
For distribution to families. Shows details of each payment during the specified dates.

Customer Payment Summary (Envelope)
For distribution to families. Formatted for windowed envelopes. Shows details of each payment during the specified dates.

Charge/Credit Summary (w/ Balance) (Envelope)
For distribution to families. Formatted for windowed envelopes. Shows totals for charges, credits and payments during the specified dates with beginning and ending balances.

Charge/Credit Summary (w/o Balance) (Envelope)
For distribution to families. Formatted for windowed envelopes. Shows totals for charges, credits and payments during the specified dates without beginning or ending balances. Good for use as an end of year tax summary.

Billing Box

Account Contract Billing Summary
Calculate totals for each Account and for each Billing Cycle.

Child Contract Billing Summary
Shows children who are set up for Contract Billing. Lists each child with the Contract Billing entries set up in their Billing Box as of the specified date.

Children without Contract Billing
Checks for children who are not set up for contract billing. Lists children who do not have any contract billing entries in their Billing Box as of the specified date.

Contract Billing Summary
Summarize each Charge Cycle and then Charge/Credit Description. Drill Down to discover specific Contract Billing entries for a specific description.

Child Formula Billing Summary
Shows children who are set up for Formula Billing. Lists each child with the Formula Billing entries set up in their Billing Box as of the specified date.

Charge/Credit Summary

Specific Summary -Primary Accounts Only
Family account totals for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check” with overall beginning and ending balances. Excludes agencies.

Total Summary -Primary Accounts Only
Family account totals for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check” with overall beginning and ending balances. Excludes agencies.

Charge / Credit Descriptions
List all the Charge / Credit Descriptions available for this school.

Deposit Report

Deposit Report Detail
Detail of Deposit Reports for the date range specified.

Deposit Report Summary
Summary of Deposit Reports for the date range specified.

Miscellaneous Ledger Activity

Account Deposit Activity
Shows totals for Deposits on Account posted using Special Charge & Special Credit descriptions like “Deposit Tuition: Fall”. Dbl-click a category to get more detail including names of accounts to whom that description has been posted.

Tuition Variance Summary
Shows Ledger Card entries posted during the specified dates where the amount was something other than the standard amount for that description. For example if the standard for “Tuition – Infants” was 200 but 199 was posted instead.

Void Activity by Post Date
Shows detail of voided Ledger Card entries that were posted during the specified dates, regardless of the date voided.

Void Activity by Void Date
Account Ledger Void Activity for items that are voided in the specified date range.

Account Ledger Audit Summary
Shows a complete detail of each Ledger Card Entry that was modified during the ACTUAL specified dates. A dot is used to mark which items were modified within the date range.

Receivable Journal Summary

Receivable Journal Summary
Financial totals based on General Ledger Numbers assigned to each charge, credit and payment category in the System Configuration. Dbl-click a subtotal for details.

Account Activity, Aging, and Balance Summary w/ Tracking

These are the same as the reports above, with the additional option of selecting one or more Account Tracking Categories.

Agency Accounting

Account Activity

Agency Accounts Only
Agency only totals for starting & ending balances with subtotals for Tuition, Other Charges, Credits & Payments. Amounts shown were posted to the agency (not the family). Sorted by Agency.

All Accounts (Primary & Agency)
Combined starting & ending balances (agencies plus family accounts) with subtotals for Tuition, Other Charges, Credits & Payments.

Agency Open Items Summary
A summary of all open Agency charges sorted by Agency and then Primary Payer.

Agency Line Items Summary
Displays a summary of all Agency charges for the Date Range selected. The Agency payments that have been applied against each specific charge is itemized.

Account Aging

Agency Accounts @ 30 Day Aging
Shows agencies with a balance due (or credit balance) with the amount aged in 30 day increments, including the current period (0-29 days), 30, 60, 90 and 120+ days. Sorted by Agency.

Primary & Agency Accounts @ 30 Day Aging
Shows primary and agency accounts with a balance due (or credit balance) with the amount aged in 30 day increments, including the current period (0-29 days), 30, 60, 90 and 120+ days. Sorted by Agency.

Account Balance Summary

Agency Accounts Only
Lists each agency with a balance due (or credit balance) as of the specified date showing the amount owned for each family account. Balances shown belong to the agency (not the family).

All Accounts (Primary & Agency)
Lists each family account with a combined balance due (or credit balance) as of the specified date. Balances shown are a combined total of items posted both to the family account and the agency.

Account Statement

Agency / Customer Statement
Shows details of each charge, credit and payment during the specified dates including a beginning and ending balance. Good for use as a weekly or monthly statement.

Charge Credit Summary

Specific Summary – Agency Accounts Only
Summary of Agency Accounts only displaying totals for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check”. Dbl-click a subtotal for details.

Specific Summary – Primary & Agency Accounts
Combined totals (agencies plus family accounts) for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check”. Dbl-click a subtotal for details.

Total Summary – Agency Accounts Only
Agency only totals for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check” with overall beginning and ending balances.

Total Summary – Group by Agency
Agency only totals for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check” with overall beginning and ending balances.

Total Summary -Primary & Agency Accounts
Combined totals (agencies plus family accounts) for each charge, credit and payment description like “Tuition – Infants” and “Pmt by Check” with overall beginning and ending balances.

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