- 02 Dec 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
- Print
End-of-Year Statements for Families
- Updated on 02 Dec 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
- Print
There are two groups of families to whom you’ll want to send end-of-year statements: “Visible” families with currently enrolled children, and “hidden” families whose children were enrolled at some point during the year, but no longer attend. Current versions of Procare make this simple, so you can catch both groups at once, while for older versions it’s better to print or email each group separately.
Email or Print Statements
Choose to Email or Print end-of-year statements.
Email End-of-Year Statements
Current Versions (Email)
Cloud customers are always on the most current version. If you are a non-Cloud customer, you’ll need version 10.2.6411 or higher (released in August 2012); otherwise, scroll down for older versions.
- At the main screen of Family Data & Accounting use the Select Filter to include All Accounts.
Hint: Your email provider may limit the number of emails and attachments you can send at once or per day, etc. Use the Select Filter to break your emails into smaller groups, such as a few classrooms at a time.
- Follow the steps to Email Statements making sure to:
- Use a Date Range for the appropriate year.
- Choose a summary report, such as the Charge/Credit Summary (w/o Balance). This will show totals for the year without unnecessary detail.
- Check the box to “Only include accounts that have ledger activity in the specified date range”.
Versions below 10.2.4611 – prior to August 2012 (Email)
At the main screen of Family Data & Accounting confirm your Select Filter is set to include just Visible Accounts, which in most cases is the default setting.
Hint: Your email provider may limit the number of emails and attachments you can send at once or per day, etc. Use the Select Filter to break your emails into smaller groups, such as a few classrooms at a time.Follow the steps on how to Email Statements making sure to:
- Use a Date Range for the appropriate year.
- Choose a summary report, such as the Charge/Credit Summary (w/o Balance). This will show totals for the year without unnecessary detail.
After emailing Visible Accounts, change your Select Filter to include just Hidden Accounts. This is because some families may have left during the year, but they still need a tax summary.
Again, follow the steps on how to Email Statements, but only check off families who were there during the prior year. You don’t want to send blank statements to very old accounts that did not have any fees charged or payments made during last year.
Hint: You may want to Print a List of Hidden Accounts with Activity Last Year
Print End-of-Year Statements
Version 10.2.4727 and up (Print)
- From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting go to Reports > Standard Reports > Family Accounting > Account Statement.
- Although you could use any report in this section, it’s generally best to choose a summary report, such as the Charge/Credit Summary (w/o Balance). This will show totals for the year without unnecessary detail.
- Choose a Date Range for the appropriate year.
- Use the Select Filter to include All Accounts.
Note: The “summary” reports will automatically include only those accounts that had ledger activity during the specified dates. There is no check box needed to make this selection.
- Optional: You may include a Report Message to appear at the bottom of each summary such as “This is your end-of-year summary for tax purposes. If you have questions, please contact the billing office at 555-1212.”
- Click Run Report.
- At the Report Viewer screen (print preview) click the Printer icon (upper left) to print the report for everyone at once.
Versions below 10.2.4727 (Print)
- From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting go to Reports > Standard Reports > Family Accounting > Account Statement.
- Although you could use any report in this section, it’s generally best to choose a summary report, such as the Charge/Credit Summary (w/o Balance). This will show totals for the year without unnecessary detail.
- Choose a Date Range for the appropriate year.
- Confirm the Select Filter is set to include just Visible Accounts, which in most cases is the default setting.
- Optional: You may include a Report Message to appear at the bottom of each summary such as “This is your end-of-year summary for tax purposes. If you have questions, please contact the billing office at 555-1212.”
- Click Run Report.
- At the Report Viewer screen (print preview) click the Printer icon (upper left) to print the report for everyone at once.
- After printing summaries for Visible Accounts, change your Select Filter to include just Hidden Accounts. This is because some families may have left during the year, but they still need a tax summary.
- Repeat the steps above, but skip the blank pages. Print only the pages for families who were there during the prior year. Use the Go to Next Page button to move through the report.
Hint: You could print the whole report and then recycle the blank pages. The pages won’t be entirely blank; they’ll still include the payer’s name and address, etc., but there won’t be any accounting information.