Region and School Options
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 14 Minutes to read

Region and School Options

Article summary

Region and School Options are choices that affect a particular Region or School like the hours a location is open or how Child Time Cards should be rounded. Only persons in the System Supervisor User Group may set or change these options.

Getting There

Some options may be set at either the regional level (to affect all schools in the region) or the school level (to affect one particular location). Other options must be set only at the regional or only at the school level.

  1. From the Procare Home screen go to Configuration > System > Locations & Users.
  2. Dbl-click Regions & Schools.

Choose options for all schools within a Region

a. Dbl-click the Region, or click once to select it then click the Set Options button.
b. On the left select a category:

c. Choose any options as desired then click Save > Exit.
Hint: Click the Reset Schools button to push the settings to all schools in the region (optional).

Choose options for a particular school
Options for a particular school take precedent over options for the region:

a. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Region Code to see any existing schools in that region.
b. Dbl-click the School, or click once to select it then click the Set Options button.
c. On the left choose a category like General, Family Data, etc. (links above).
d. Choose any options as desired then click Save > Exit.
Hint: Click the Reset School button to change options for this specific School back to match the Regional settings (optional).

Description of Options


Standard Options

Address Format
Select “USA” to use an address format of City, State, Zip Code. Choose “Non-USA” to use City, Region, Postal Code for international addresses.

Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Enter the tax identification number for this location (or region wide). This will appear on certain tax related reports.

Child’s Maximum Age
Enter the maximum age (in years) for a person to be considered a child. Choose a number from 5 to 99.

Display Time Span
Choose how hours on time cards and reports should be displayed. Select either HH:MM (hours and minutes) format to display two-and-a-half hours as 2:30 (2 hrs 30 minutes), or HH.HH (decimal format) to display 2.50 hours.

Address Map Engine
This setting determines which search engine to use when you click the Map It button on the Person Address screen to display a map of their address. Get to the address from the Person Information screen by either dbl-clicking an existing address or clicking New to add a new address.

Accounting Type
Choose Cash or Accrual accounting. This affects the way revenue and expenses are calculated on certain reports, such as the Income Statement and Trial Balance.

Hours of Operation
Sunday – Saturday
Click the plus sign (+) next to each day and enter the Open and Close times for this location (or region wide). If you are not open on a particular day scroll to the top (of the Open time) and select “Closed”. If your center is open 24 hours set both the open and close times to 12:00 AM.

Email Options (Set at the School level only)
See separate article on Email Options.

Family Data

Standard Options

Scheduling Type
Choose “Easy” scheduling for single week schedules (week 1 repeats over & over). Choose “Advanced” to allow multiple week rotations (with a 2 week rotation weeks 1 & 2 alternate over & over).

First Day of Week
Select the starting day for your week. This affects roll call, sign in/out sheets and some schedule reports. The day you choose will be the starting day on those reports.

Default Select Filter
Choose families to show by default. “All Accounts” means every family will be displayed, even those marked as Hidden. “Visible Accounts” means those marked as Hidden will not be shown.

Tracking Options
Nearing Usage Limit
When do you want to be warned that you’re approaching a Tracking Category limit? If you enter 3 and a category has limit of 24 you’ll be warned when you assign that item to the 21st person. Useful for Bus Runs or special activities that are limited to a certain number of children.

Immunization Options

Nearing Due Days
How many days ahead do you wish to know that immunizations are coming due? Enter a number from 0-99. Example: Enter 30 to track immunizations 30 days before their due date.

Weekly FTE Parameters

Full Time Hours Per Day
Enter the number of hours per day to be considered “Full Time” for Full Time Equivalency (FTE) calculations. For example if FTE is based on an 8 hour day and a child were scheduled for 10 hours only 8 of those hours would count toward the FTE calculations.

Maximum FTE Value Per Day
Enter the maximum FTE value per day. If you are open 5 days per week this would typically be 0.20 (1 day equals 20% of a week). To based FTE calculations on a 7 day week use 0.14 (1 day equals 14% of a week).

Time Card Options (for use with Attendance Tracker)

Max Daily Hours Attendance
Enter the maximum number of hours (from 8 to 24) a child may be checked in. They will be prevented from checking out if the time is exceeded.

Audit Time Cards
To keep a record of all Time Card changes choose “True”. If you don’t need to track changes to Time Cards choose “False”.

Rounding Clock In & Clock Out
Click the plus sign (+) next to each rounding option and choose how to round check in and out times. “Closest” means the nearest interval (5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.). “Back” means go back to the prior interval. “Forward” means jump ahead to the next interval. This setting affects how time is recorded on child time cards for billing purposes. Learn more about Rounding Time Cards.

Food Program (for use with Meal Tracker)
Age Groups
Click the plus sign (+) next to each group and enter a Name (Infants, 1-2 Year Olds, etc.) and the Maximum Age for that group (in months). This is the age a child would move to the next group. Learn more about Age Groups.

Family Accounting

Ledger Card Posting

Limit Ledger Posting
Enter the earliest date allowed for items to be posted on a Ledger Card. Typically the first day of the calendar year or fiscal year. The more restrictive setting, between Limit Ledger Posting and Days Forward / Days Back, takes precedent.

Days Back
Maximum number of days in the PAST a person is allowed to post an item on a Ledger Card. Enter 30 to allow entries to be recorded up to 30 days prior to the current date.

Days Forward
Maximum number of days in the FUTURE a person is allowed to post an item on a Ledger Card. Enter 30 to allow entries to be recorded up to 30 days beyond the current date.

Ledger Lock

Posting & Editing
Use this option to enable (True) and disable (False) the ledger lock.

Start Date
Choose the start date from the calendar drop-down for items to be locked on the ledger.

Recurrence Type
Select the cycle for automatically locking the ledgers (Days or Weeks).

Recurrence Increment
Choose how many days or weeks the ledger lock occurs each cycle (i.e., to lock the ledgers every week, enter Recurrence Type = Weeks and Recurrence Increment = 1. To lock the ledgers every 2 weeks enter the Recurrence Type = Weeks and Recurrence Increment = 2).

Lock Grace Period
Choose the number of days after the date the ledger was last locked that users can continue to post new entries and edit existing entries in the locked period.

Email Account Statements

Record Emailed Statements In Log
You may choose to have Procare record a Log Note in the Family Account when you Email Account Statements.


Next Deposit Report Number
You may manually adjust the number for your next Deposit Report. For example if the default setting were 1 and you wanted to begin on 100.

Late Payment Calculator

Default Charge Description
Choose the default charge description for the Late Payment Calculator, like “Late Pmt”. This will save time by eliminating the need to manually select a description each time you use the Late Payment Calculator.

Agency Payment Method

Agency Payment Description
Choose a Payment Description (like “Pmt by Agency”) to record payments from Third Party Agencies. See also: Agency Adjustment Codes.

Parent Charge Description
Choose a Charge Description (like “Transfer from Agency”) to transfer money owed from an Agency to a Family. Example: Agency does not pay full amount and balance is responsibility of family.

Tuition Express

If you have more than one location using Tuition Express be sure to set up the School Options for each of them.

Account Number
Enter your Tuition Express Account Number. If you have more than one location using Tuition Express each will have its own Account Number.

ACH Batch Payment Description
Choose a Payment Description (like “Tuition Express: ACH”) to record recurring batch ACH payments (from checking or savings accounts) made through Tuition Express.

Credit Card Batch Payment Description
Choose a Payment Description (like “Tuition Express: CC”) to record recurring batch credit card payments made through Tuition Express.

Point of Sale Payment Description
Choose a Payment Description (like “Tuition Express: POS”) to record individual point of sale (POS) payments made through Tuition Express.

Batch Bank Account For Deposit Report
Choose the Bank Account to use for Tuition Express deposits (account that will show on the Deposit Report).

Allow Batch Comment
Choose True if you wish to enable the Allow Batch Comment feature which lets you enter a comment for parent email receipts such as the dates of service. The comment is entered when you process a batch of payments..

Allow Processing Date Change
The Allow Processing Date Change feature lets you select a batch processing date up to 14 days in the future. This is helpful if you need to submit a batch ahead of time, for example if you will be on vacation at the time the batch is normally processed. To enable, choose True. The date is selected when you submit a batch.

Minimum Transaction Amount
Enter the Minimum Transaction Amount you want to collect through Tuition Express. If a family’s balance is below this amount they will be skipped.

Maximum Transaction Amount
The Maximum Transaction Amount allowed for any family is automatically set by Tuition Express.

Accepted Credit Cards
The types of Accepted Credit Cards are established when you sign up for Tuition Express such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

Employee Data

Standard Options

Start Day of Pay Week (Set at Region Level)
The Starting Day of the Pay Week is important for determining when a 40 hour week begins for overtime purposes. In most cases it should be set to Sunday or Monday.

Scheduling Type
Choose “Easy” scheduling for single week schedules (week 1 repeats over & over). Choose “Advanced” to allow multiple week rotations (with a 2 week rotation weeks 1 & 2 alternate over & over).

Default Select Filter
Choose employees to show by default. “All Employees” means every employee will be displayed, even those marked as Hidden. “Visible Employees” means those marked as Hidden will not be shown.

Tracking Options

Nearing Usage Limit
When do you want to be warned that you’re approaching a Tracking Category limit? If you enter 3 and a category has limit of 24 you’ll be warned when you assign that item to the 21st person.

Immunization Options

Nearing Due Days
How many days ahead do you wish to know that immunizations are coming due? Enter a number from 0-99. Example: Enter 30 to track immunizations 30 days before their due date.

Pay Period Information

Pay Period Type (Set at the Region Level)
Select the frequency of your pay periods like “Every Week”, “Every 2 Weeks”, “Twice A Month”, etc.

Note: Choose “Custom” if your pay periods do not fit a standard pattern. See article: Custom Pay Periods.

Pay Period Start Date 1
Enter the date your first pay period began. If you pay weekly the start date is typically the first Monday of the year. Then use the Show Pay Periods button (bottom of screen) to see how the pay periods cascade through the current year. If needed change the Start Date (then click Save) and use Show Pay Periods again until they are appropriate for your situation.

Pay Period Start Date 2
If you pay twice a month enter the date your second pay period began (otherwise ignore this setting). If your first pay period ran from the 1st to the 15th your second pay period would start on the 16th.

Time Card Options

Max Daily Hours Checked In
Enter the maximum number of hours (from 0 to 24) an employee may be checked in. They will be prevented from checking out if the time is exceeded. To disable this feature enter 24.

Audit Time Cards
To keep a record of all Time Card changes choose “True”. If you don’t need to track changes to Time Cards choose “False”.

Restrict Check In/Out to Schedule
Choose “True” to prevent employees from checking in or out outside their scheduled hours based on the number of minutes selected in the Checkin/Checkout Minutes Limit (next item below). See: Schedule Adherence

Checkin/Checkout Minutes Limit
If you selected “True” for the Restrict option (previous item above) then choose the number of minutes outside of schedule (grace period) to allow for early check in or late check out. “None” means there is no grace. See: Schedule Adherence

Rounding Clock In & Clock Out
Click the plus sign (+) next to each rounding option and choose how to round check in and out times. “Closest” means the nearest interval (5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.). “Back” means go back to the prior interval. “Forward” means jump ahead to the next interval. This setting affects how time is recorded on employee time cards for payroll purposes. Learn more about Rounding Time Cards.

Employee Approval
If you select “True”, employees will be required to approve their timecards within the set number of days (set by Approval Due Days below). If an employee does not approve their timecard, they will be blocked from checking in at the kiosk. Learn more about Employee Timecard Approval.

Approval Due Days After Pay Period
This is the number of days an employee has to approve their previous timecard before they will be blocked from checking in at the kiosk.

Overtime Calculations

Over 8 Hours Per Day
Select “True” to calculate overtime for more than 8 hours worked per day. Both settings may be marked “True” if appropriate for your situation.

Over 40 Hours Per Week
Select “True” to calculate overtime for more than 40 hours worked per week. Both settings may be marked “True” if appropriate for your situation.


Standard Options

Current Payroll Year
Select the current year for payroll.

Check Stub SSN
Choose whether the last 4 digits of the employee’s Social Security number should be printed on payroll check stubs (select Display Masked) or not printed at all (select Display Nothing).

General Ledger Assignments

Payroll Checkbook
Select a Bank Account to use as your Payroll Checkbook.

Employee Advances
Choose an Asset Account for any Employee Advances that may be given.

Federal / State Unemployment

Federal Unemployment (FUTA) – Set at Region level
FUTA rates for the two most current years are automatically installed with Procare.

State Unemployment (SUTA) – Set for individual Schools
You must enter SUTA info for your state for the current year, although you may store rates for up to two years at a time. Click the plus sign (+) next to Suta 1 or Suta 2 and enter a Tax Year, Wage Base and Employer’s Share (as a percentage). See also: FUTA & SUTA Rates
Hint: If your state shows SUTA as a multiplier (not a percentage) you’ll need to convert it to a percentage. Example: your SUTA info says to multiply taxable earnings by .0268. To convert to a percentage multiply by 100 so .0268 x 100 = 2.68%

Note: Use either Suta 1 or Suta 2 for the current year. The program will automatically select the correct year for tax deposit calculation.

Expenses & Ledger

Standard Options

Default Select Filter
Choose vendors to show by default. “All Vendors” means every vendor will be displayed, even those marked as Hidden. “Visible Vendors” means only those not marked as Hidden will be shown.

Default Vendor Exposure
A setting of “True” means each vendor entered will available to all locations, regardless of which location it was originally entered under. Also, checks posted to a vendor can be recorded for another location or split across multiple locations. A setting of “False” means each vendor will only be available within the location in which it was originally entered and checks may only be recorded for that location. This setting can be manually changed for individual vendors as needed on the Vendor Information screen.

General Journal Exposure
A setting of “True” means journal entries may be recorded for another location or split across multiple locations. A setting of “False” means journal entries may only be recorded for location to which you are logged in.

Post Date Range Limit
Limit the dates that may be posted for Vendor Checks and Journal Entries. Choosing One Year means an item may be recorded up to one year in the past or future.


Standard Options, Scheduling, and Online Registration

These options are usually configured when you first Setup and Use MyProcare.

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